Rolling Admissions is a common application process used by Caribbean and US medical schools, albeit the academic calendars for Caribbean and US medical schools are considerably different.
Medical schools in the Caribbean take students three times a year – often in January, May, and September – whereas medical schools in the United States operate on a two-semester system and only accept students in the Fall. So, if you are rejected while applying to a US medical school, you must wait a year before reapplying.
Another important aspect is the Application Evaluation Criteria.
Although both Caribbean and American medical schools need candidates to finish the same pre-requisite courses and submit an application, the criteria for determining whether or not an application advances to the next round differ. Due to the obvious large number of applications they receive, medical schools in the United States concentrate on the figures. Extracurricular activities, personal statements, references, and other factors are given less weight than GPA and MCAT scores. Most Caribbean medical schools evaluate applications holistically and do not take your MCAT score into account when making a choice.
What are the benefits of rolling admissions?
Rolling admissions imply that applications are reviewed in the order they arrive and acceptance invitations are sent out immediately to eligible students.
How Can an Early Application Help You?
Students that apply in August or September will be competing for a limited number of admissions seats, which is a considerable disadvantage. Getting into medical school is difficult enough as it is, so you should make use of every advantage you can as an applicant. Applying early in the season gives you the best chance of being accepted. It puts you on an equal footing with the other applicants.
How Early Should You Apply?
Starting in late May or early June while applying for a September intake is a viable option. The sooner you apply, the more likely your application will be processed on time, and your visa paperwork will be completed on time, ensuring a stress-free journey.
Students from the United States, the United Kingdom, Asia, the Caribbean, and other countries attend the American University of Barbados (AUB), School of Medicine, which follows a US-based medical curriculum with intensive USMLE focused teaching.
The Office of Admission at AUB helps students with all aspects of their college search. Consistency and fairness in the application review process ensures that all students are treated equally while also acknowledging their unique educational/extracurricular activities. The medical school embraces all sorts of diversity, including racial, ethnic, religious, regional, and socioeconomic disparities.
Visit https://www.aubmed.org for additional details.
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